FENWICK ISLAND - Apparently, a lot of people can't remember Captain Kangaroo reading "Make Way For Ducklings." They don't recall how the TV camera zoomed in for a close up of the page showing Police Officer Mike holding New York City traffic at bay so that Mr. and Mrs. Mallard could lead their flock of ducklings into Central Park. Mallard families in Fenwick Island have a friend just like Officer Mike in Gina M. Hall. This month she launched her second. "Brake For Ducks" campaign, asking drivers to be aware of duck pedestrians. "It's a complete tragedy. Last year I'd just had it," she said of the number of ducks killed on roadways. "Some people just don't have consideration for animals." The problem, she admitted, is not new, but last year she decided to do something about it. Mrs. Hall began by placing posters and collection cans in businesses. Public donations added to her own money enabled her to buy distinctive duck signs that she placed along local roadways. The signs feature a black duck against a bright yellow diamond shaped background. "Accidents do happen," she said, "but these ducks waddle about two feet a minute - you CAN see them." Mrs. Hall designed bumper stickers and made them available in the community. Her job in the printing business helps keep costs down. A stack of the bumper stickers is displayed beside each collection can. Those interested in displaying the bumper stickers on their cars are asked to contribute whatever they feel appropriate, usually $1.00, "We've been able to place six signs, so it's really been successful," she said. Mrs. Hall said that as many as 500 people have voiced support
for the project. She has had no difficulty finding homeowners
who allow a sign to be placed on their property. "Everytime I place a sign, I feel like I'm doing something,"
she said. "I just couldn't see not trying." Those wanting information about the posters or contributions cans can call 302-436-9471. |
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