August 15th, 1998
New York City
I've included a few photos my mom took from her seat, she
is really getting the hang of what to shoot (after 8 years).
For space sake I've only included a few manditory poses; Front double bicep, Back double bicep,
Abdominals. Shots are the top five
from prejudging a few Posedown photos
as well as "Bring That Trophy Over
This was undoubtedly the most packed heavyweight lineup I've
seen in the past 3 years. Everyone came ready to do battle. Carol
Quarles looked awesome being nudged out of 1st place for the
4th time at the Team Universe. I was extremely impressed with
Linda Wood Hoyt and always am awe of her physique though she
took the third place trophy. Lisa Aukland is new the Team Universe
coming with striated glutes, shredded, dense and muscular, she
made an impressive 4th place showing. In 5th place was Midge
Shull, three timer at the Team Universe I believe, placing in
the top five each time.
And for those of you who haven't seen my Signature
Pose, here it is once again. This shot must have been taken
by every photographer and was used everywhere the contest was
covered. Or you can go to Show Me More,
to get a few more shots of the lineup.